
AC source power & DC source power manufacturing factory

EMC Testing

Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) test is a very important test item. It is a comprehensive evaluation of the interference magnitude (EMI) and anti-interference capability (EMS) of electronic products in the electromagnetic field. It is also one of the most important indicators of the quality of electronic products. The tested electronic products and many test instruments need to provide AC and DC power supply with high stability, high reliability and very low interference, as well as voltage stabilized power supply to provide stable power supply.

EMC Full Name “Electro Magnetic Compatibility”, Electromagnetic compatibility testing refers to the ability of a device or system to work normally in its electromagnetic environment and not to cause unacceptable electromagnetic disturbance to anything in that environment. EMC is an important index for evaluating product quality.The main categories of EMC testing are:

EMI(Electro-Magnetic Interference)---Electromagnetic disturbance test. Detection of electromagnetic radiation produced by electrical products on the human body, public power grid and other normal working electrical products. It contains the following contents:
? Radiated Emission-  radiation test  
? Conducted Emission-Conducted Harassment Test
? Harmonic- Harmonic Current Disturbance Test           
? Flicker-Voltage Variation and Scintillation Test
EMS(Electro-Magnetic Susceptibility)---Electromagnetic immunity test, testing whether electrical products can work stably in the electromagnetic environment, is not affected. It contains the following contents:
? ESD - Electrostatic immunity test            
? RS - Radiation immunity test of radio frequency electromagnetic field             
? CS - Measurement of Conductive Disturbance Immunity Induced by Radio Frequency Field               
? DIP -Radio Frequency Field Induced Conductive Disturbance Resistance to Voltage Sag, Short
Interruption and Voltage Change Resistance Test
? SURGE - Surge (shock) immunity test          
? EFT -  Electrical Fast Transient burst            
? PFMF -Power frequency magnetic field immunity test

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