
AC source power & DC source power manufacturing factory

DC electricity is not dead?

Does DC power kill people? Depending on the size of the current passing through the human body, it has nothing to do with alternating current or direct current.
We usually use three-phase four-wire AC power supply, three-phase namely three fire lines, the phase difference of three-phase AC is 120 degrees, the other line is called neutral line. Three-phase electricity is difficult to balance, so the neutral line is necessary for the client.

There are several kinds of electric shock: contacting two fire wires; a fire line and a neutral line, which can form a circuit, with current flowing through the human body; when a person contacts only one fire line, if a person is connected with the earth, it also constitutes a circuit, with current flowing through the human body; and then it is striding electric shock, when the high voltage ground is grounded, the earth has resistance, forming an area with voltage outside the ground point, and when a person enters, two feet. There are voltage and current between them.

But direct current is different. It must supply power with two lines, so it must contact two lines at the same time to form a circuit. The chance of electric shock is greatly reduced, and there are fewer places for HVDC power supply, so there will be fewer electric shock accidents. This is not that DC power is not dead!
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